1. Popular music repertoire
Popular music repetoire consists of Oto Pestner’s hits (evergreen Slovenian songs), and also his new songs from his new upcoming album. He also performs cover songs of world’s pop/gospel/soul standards. His four member group is a standard setup, but can perform also with larger band or orchestra.
2. Jazz standard repertoire
Oto Pestner is currently working with two jazz groups: JAZZ CLUB GAJO QUARTET and PRIMOŽ GRAŠIČ QUARTET, but is availabe for cooperation with any other band as well.
Oto Pestner & Jazz Club Gajo Quartet – All Of Me
Oto Pestner & Jazz Club Gajo Quartet – Sentimental Journey
Oto Pestner & Jazz Club Gajo Quartet – Night and Day
Booking & management contact:
Gregor Karer, +386(0)31-345-876, gregor.karer@gig.si
PA / PR:
Andrej Maver, +386(0)31-233-262, andrej@gig.si