1. Cerkev roženvenska (Pestner-Medved)
2. Glejte, že sonce zahaja (Slomšek)
3. Domače ognjišče (Pestner-Šneberger)
4. Dan za zaljubljene /Hope of deliverance/ (McCartney-Hering)
5. Naj resnica bo zdravilo (Pestner-Petan)
6. Božični je čas (Pestner-Hering)
7. Počiva mesto Betlehem /O little town of Bethlehem/ (trad.-Hering)
8. Naj vsak dan postane božič /If every day was like Christmas/ (West-Hering)
9. Zdrava Marija /Ave Maria/ (Bach-Gounod)
10. Staro sonce /That lucky old sun/ (Smith-Gillespie-Hering)
11. Hope of deliverance (McCartney)
12. The sun didn’t shine (trad.)
13. If every day was like Christmas (West)
14. No restricted signs (Drake)
15. Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
16. I will be home again (Benjamin-Leveen-Singer)
17. That lucky old sun (Smith-Gillespie)